Tuesday, January 14, 2014

the courage to stay in one place.

I have almost lost count of how many times I have moved in the last four years. The longest being my  ten months in Provo, half of which I spent loathing everything about it. The only exception and saving grace, Kaitlin. She used to make me find at least one thing I enjoyed about living in Utah again everyday. 95% of the time I would fire off my go to- "Kaitlin and Mountains". This sufficed for a while but unbelievably enough, the latter half of my time in Provo would bring about the events that would change my life forever.

"Having the courage to stay in one place" seems like a strange phrase, with me just signing on to be an Army wife and expecting to move around the world ever two or three years and all. But as I was giving this idea more thought I realized for me, its not about physical location but location of mind. My Countdown app on my phone has been working non stop, for something for as long as I remember. Always looking forward to the next thing. But here I am. Finally, all of the clocks are up. I am at zero and life is perfect. 

"One place", this place. Never take life for granted. Lately Brandon has been in the field quite a bit and just the few hours of awake time I get with him are so precious. Him and I were so good at long distance but now I think I miss him even more, now that we are living in the same house. I hope I never lose sight of this idea, especially given our circumstances. 
Dinners mean more, Skype time is precious, letters mean more and phone calls even sweeter. 

I am married to the greatest man on this earth, I truly believe we were made for each other. I have a wonderfully supportive family, I have fantastic long distance friends and a new rat squad of family who have adopted me. 

I  am so blessed. 

This sort of turned into a gratitude post, but I really don't have much problem with that. 

Have the courage to enjoy everything, where you are, all the time. 

In other news, first few weeks of being an Army wife lacked any huge disasters, we are getting a puppy and school starts again Monday. Also, Kaitlin will be here Saturday. I'm so excited. 

Thats all. 
my favorite place to be :]

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh. Words cannot express how much I have missed you and your writing. I am so glad you started this! I couldn't be happier for my best friend:) (and I couldn't be more excited to see her on Saturday!!!!)
